execute1.txt The Executions The year is 2056 in North America. There has been war and a dictator with some characteristics of both Hitler and Nero has taken over what used to be Canada and the United States. He has a secret police whose prime mission, it seems, is the procurement of women for his spectacles. In a kangaroo court women are accused of committing so-called crimes against the state. They are tried, convicted and sentenced to death. Because of the nature of their "crimes", the executions are carried out in public both as a deterrent and as a way of maintaining his control over the population. We have documented three of his executions for your reading pleasure. Chapter 1 -- Susan Susan didn't exactly know how she got into the situation she was in, but somehow she did it. One day she was at the University of Michigan teaching a class on anthropology, the next she had been convicted of a crime against the State. Her punishment was to be strangling by her own hand. She tried to comprehend what she had done to call down the fury of the state on her, but could only remember an argument, seemingly innocent at the time, in her classroom. She had been explaining the evolutionary history of the paleoaustralopithecines and had responded to some questions from an obnoxious ill-dressed student. He had always been a disrupting influence in the class and the other students avoided him, even seemed to fear him. That day he was leading the discussion somehow into her views of the evolutionary future of man and how it related to the current political chaos. She had shut him up with some smart remark or other and gone on with her lecture. Surely that couldn't be the reason. How could she be sentenced to DEATH for that? The prosecutor's office would not elaborate on her crime. They read to her, after two tearful days spent in detention, the verdict of death for crimes against the state. She was allowed neither visitors nor a means to communicate with her family. She had always avoided politics and had declined every invitation to join the "activist" groups on campus. She knew enough to know that they were not really against the current dictatorship, but were a breeding ground for informers and future members of the government. When the invitations got too persistent she pleaded her research and her teaching load. Perhaps if she had been willing to play the game... The day of her execution arrived. Susan was being held in a cold sterile building and her cell had no access to daylight; nevertheless she knew it was morning by the increased activity she could hear down the corridor. She had intended to spend her last night awake, savoring the last hours of consciousness; her body had betrayed her, however, and she had dozed off at some point during the night. It was just as well--she had had no blinding revelations as to the meaning of her life. The 23-year-old was just as confused about what had happened as the day she had been taken from her classroom by the Security Squad. She listened to the growing voices as the morning grew later and a cold knot of fear settled in her stomach. Finally a matron came for her and led her through two more corridors, all identical, and into another cell. Susan was forced to wear nothing but a flimsy robe while waiting in the holding cell. So, in her prison robe she sat, awaiting the appointed time, hopeless and almost apathetic. Her bare feet huddled together, seeking relief from the icy touch of the linoleum. The harsh fluorescent lights illuminated her figure, but cast no clarity on her situation. Susan was a tall, about five-foot-ten-inch, willowy brown-haired girl with p73 pale blue eyes the color of a young girl's pinafore. She sat huddled on the bench in the harsh gray prison robe, appearing smaller than she was. Her build was nothing spectacular; her breasts were relatively small but were perfectly shaped. She had a small waist and almost boyish hips and there was not an ounce of fat on her body. All-in-all a very nice body, soon to be no more. At precisely ten o'clock in the morning, the door to the holding cell opened and the burly head jailer entered and took her by the arm. His uniform was stained and he smelled of sausage, probably his breakfast. He led her down the stairs, past one of the entrances to the arena where the execution was to be held, and into a cell just adjacent to the stadium. Susan could just hear the noise of the crowds gathering in the arena. She knew that in the dim past it was used for football; she remembered her parents talking about the earlier days in Ann Arbor -- the way the whole town would shut down on football afternoons and stream into the stands -- the way parties were held both before and after the games. She knew her parents had met at one of those post-game parties. Now the stadium mainly served both Ann Arbor-Ypsilanti and part of the Detroit suburbs as the center for state executions and for state celebrations, such as the leader's birthday. The government had found it economical to use existing college stadiums for its propaganda; the surrounding student communities also furnished a supply of dissidents to be punished. Susan had attended none of those events, preferring to bury her head in her studies and hoping to be left alone. The guard pointed out a red plastic container, removed her robe roughly and left. Susan huddled in a corner of the room for a moment, then approached the red box. Inside, Susan found clothes and a set of instructions. Instructions For Females Awaiting Execution 1. Shower 2. Shave your pubic area until it is as smooth as possible - the public would like to see what is going on. 3. Dress in the clothes provided, inserting the dildo in your vagina before putting on the panties. 4. After dressing, go into the adjacent room and there will be a drink waiting. Drink it - it will make things go easier. 5. When you are ready, press the buzzer. The guard will come for you. Do exactly as he tells you. 6. We wish for this event to be as pleasurable as possible. If you do not do as instructed we will use force and you will not enjoy it. There is no appeal from this sentence. You are going to die today, but you can make it easier on yourself by cooperating. The girl started to tremble. She had heard, of course, that public executions of women convicted of political crimes were spectacularly sexual in nature. She knew these events were well attended and that no one talked much about them afterwards. One of her colleagues had gone and when Susan asked about it had blushed furiously and stammered something about leaving before the end. She had sensed both an aversion to discuss it and an underlying excitement about it in her friend. She had been asked to go once by a rather aggressively amorous boyfriend. Susan had refused, then refused the next date. The boy soon found someone else. The brunette was now frantically trying to recall anything she had ever heard about these executions. Was she to be tortured? Weakly she sat down on the bench by the container of clothes, feeling faint. She stayed there about ten minutes, mentally searching for an escape. She concluded there was none. Her only choice remaining was whether or not to cooperate in order to avoid pain. She tried to find within her enough courage to resist this atrocity, but couldn't. Now resigned to her fate, however bewildering it was, she showered, shaved her pubic area until it was as smooth as a newborn's and dressed in the clothes provided. The dildo was in a plastic bag. She opened the bag and took out the device. She found it was well lubricated and slid in very easily. She pulled on a pair of white bikini nylon panties which forced the dildo in a little further. Despite the proximity of her execution it felt very good and she could feel herself getting wet. Susan put on a white bra, which was practically invisible, a pair of white lace thigh-hi nylons and a pair of black high heels. Over that went a white slip, a black silk blouse which buttoned to the neck and a severe black sheath skirt which was cut a little longer than her knees. She applied some of the make-up provided, and went into the next room. This room was nearly as spartan as the dressing room, but there was a small armchair flanked by a small wooden table. On the table was a stemmed glass containing a milky drink. Susan hesitated, then drank what was left there for her. She felt it slide smoothly, almost sensuously down her throat. Unknown to her the drink had been spiked with both an aphrodisiac and a de-inhibitor. On the far wall of the room was an old- fashioned oval mirror with an overhead lamp. Susan looked at herself and liked what she saw. "At least I will go looking my best," she thought. She had one last wild attack of panic and looked for an escape from this, but the drink was affecting her now and she soon calmed down. She took a deep breath and pushed the buzzer button. As she had been informed, because of the type of crime and sentence, it was to be a public execution. The same guard led her to the entrance to the arena and turned her over to the executioner, who led her to the stage. When Susan first saw him she started back, but she was firmly handed over to his grasp. He was wearing a black hood, black shirt and a pair of black tights which had their crotch removed allowing his penis and balls to hang out. At first she couldn't take her eyes off that area of his torso; she felt light- headed. But as she was being led to the center of the open area, Susan looked around and saw that her termination was well attended. Most likely the crowd included the students from her class, THAT class, the one that got her in the spot she was in. She blushed furiously at the thought of anyone who knew her being here and stumbled. The figure holding her arm firmly simply continued to walk her forward. The center of the grassy area was filled with an elevated stage, up which she was led. There were electronic gadgets scattered around; she recognized one as a TV camera. Even though it was a clear September morning, lights blazed on the stage. He told her to undress to her underwear and sit in the DEATH swing. She stared at him, horrified; he repeated his demand and reminded her that they could force her if they had to. Susan self-consciously stripped to her bra, panties, nylons and high heels, aware that the close-up monitors were allowing the people in the stands to see her quite well. With some assistance, she sat in the swing with her arms and legs through the loops provided. Her arms were hoisted somewhat higher and secured, emphasizing the lines of her upper body. Various lights and cameras were swung into place to focus on particular parts of her body. The swing held her legs wide apart and definitely maximized access to her most private areas. The black-hooded figure raised the swing somewhat and Susan rotated slowly, exposing her body to the view of each section of the arena in turn. The executioner approached and placed a black noose around her neck and tied the other end around her hand. The noose was made of silk cord and felt cool and smooth against her skin. There was a slip knot in the cord through which the end tied to her hand ran. Further up the cord, against her neck was a large bulge in the cord. The executioner told her that when the time was right Susan was to pull the rope tight to carry out the sentence and that she would feel no pain. She was incredulous that they thought she could or would actually strangle herself. The executioner started by running his hands up and down her legs, emphasizing her open and vulnerable position. None the less, his touch was gentle and against her will she began to feel a tingling sensation. After going around behind her, so the spectators could see, he massaged her breasts through her bra, paying special attention to her nipples. Despite her best intentions her nipples got hard and stood up as though demanding more attention. The murmuring from the crowd got louder as the close-up monitors scattered through the stands allowed the spectators to see her arousal. He seemed to understand and continued caressing them for quite awhile, causing her nipples to both throb and tingle at the same time. The figure in black returned to where she could see him. He slowly approached from one side and Susan couldn't help but notice his erect cock. Dressed all in black, she had not noticed him as a person at all--whether he was blond, or black, or from what ethnic background. She looked at his penis, which was the angry reddened hue of most excited cocks, and noticed curly blond hairs surrounding it. A blond then, she thought, somewhat hysterically. She had never had a lover who was blond. He climaxed his slow walk to her side by pressing his penis against her lips. The drink had its intended effect and Susan opened her mouth. His dick slid in and she willingly began to suck it, running her tongue around it as he fucked her mouth. She could smell the odor of male cock. He gradually drove his cock deeper and deeper into her mouth until she could feel its head touch the back of her throat. He stopped, held it there for awhile and then began to slowly fuck her mouth. In and out he went while she continued to suck and lave his dick with her tongue. After about 10 minutes of this, he quickened his pace, she could feel his dick start to throb. Susan became acutely aware of the dildo in her and after a short while the blond reached down into her panties and toyed with her slit. The girl moaned and the crowd cheered as the unnoticed microphones amplified the sound. He worked the dildo in and out of her pussy, all the while thrusting his engorged member into her mouth. Finally, she could feel his penis start to spasm and he came in her mouth. She did her best to swallow it all, but a little trailed out the sides of her lips and slowly ran down her face, to more cheers of the crowd. The executioner withdrew his cock from her mouth, which felt strangely empty, and left Susan's field of vision for a moment. The man returned and held aloft a pair of scissors, glinting in the intense lights. The girl felt her stomach contract in fear even through her arousal. She once again became aware of her situation, which she had temporarily forgotten in arousal. She WAS going to be tortured, even after she had cooperated. The scissors approached her breasts and snipped at the cloth bra. It parted and Susan's firm, high boobs stood exposed to the crowd. Next, her panties were slowly and carefully cut off. Before removing the dildo, he rotated the swing around so all could see. After removing the dildo, which was glistening with the girl's uncontrolled juices, the man walked over to a table Susan had not previously noticed. She craned her head and saw that it had many sexual implements on it. He picked up a wand like device, switched it on and walked slowly back over to her. He stood between her legs, which were spread-eagled in the loops of the swing, and applied the wand to her clit. Immediately she felt the familiar tickling of a vibrator going up and down her thighs and electric coursings zinging into her cunt. Despite everything, her pussy began to lubricate and she started having definite erotic rushes. She soon had her first orgasm, and forgot everything but the overwhelming feeling. Before she could halfway recover, she felt the head of his penis nudging against the entrance to her vagina. The executioner pressed into her slowly, but firmly, and Susan felt the walls of her vagina expanding to accommodate him. He was long and hard and she felt the head of his penis ramming itself against her cervix as though trying to enter her very womb. He withdrew until just the head of his cock was still in Susan and then plunged in again and again, holding her legs to steady her in the swing. Her second orgasm was not far off, and when it came she bucked under him spectacularly, crying out. The crowd cheered approvingly but she was past noticing. The executioner withdrew from her and, retrieving more devices from the table, proceeded with his task. The first one he picked up was a long, thin probette. It had a loop attached to the base of it which could be slipped over his cock. He applied some vaseline from a jar on the table and slipped the loop of the device over his penis and slid it up to the base of his cock. Susan figured she knew what was coming and she was not wrong. Guiding the probette with his hand, he placed the end of it against her anus. He pushed it slowly in, the pressure making the swing sway slightly backward, then return. On each return of the swing, the instrument probed more insistently at her ass. Her anus at first resisted, but gradually he penetrated. Susan started a low rhythmic moan as he pushed the probette in farther. Now he had his penis in her pussy and the probette up her ass. He pulled out until he was just in and began a rhythmic fucking motion. To Susan's surprise, there was a kind of pleasurable warmth, a deep loosening in her bowels, a tingling vibration which spread into her thighs and stroked the inside of her cunt. The relaxation induced by the drugs had an odd effect in that it sensitized her skin. She was dramatically aware of each square millimeter of flesh. The probette felt large and hot in her ass. She thought she could feel the vein on the underbelly of his dick rubbing against the thin membrane between her cunt and ass as he slid in and out. He brought the probette out to the very tip and held it there and her asshole quivered with emptiness, and then he shoved it in again. The swing swayed back and forth with the motion. Susan could feel the first bulge, the narrow section behind it, and the slow swelling to the base. Despite herself, she had another orgasm. He had the hand of an expert and was leaving no orifice untouched. He was willing to continue the stimulations as long as necessary, and did. In the next episode, he adjusted the swing for easier access to her rear and applied a cream to her asshole that burned, then tingled. He walked behind the swing, reached up and grasped the vertical ropes, shortening considerably the range of the possible pendulum of the swing. Susan, groggy and semi-hysterical from the previous orgasms, felt a large hot presence at her ass. The swing, and her ass, moved forward, away from the intruder, but was not allowed to go far, falling back each time onto the hot rod attempting entry. Her orifice throbbed with desire and soon she felt an insistent pressure as the man grasped her midriff from behind and rammed his member inside her most restrictive opening. She almost passed out; she was panting with each thrust he made. He reached around and roughly massaged one breast as he increased the tempo of his thrusts inside her. As he withdrew almost entirely and paused for a final brutal entrance, he pinched her nipple firmly. Susan cried out, spasmed, and lost consciousness briefly in another orgasm, to the approving roar of the masses in the stands. She came to shortly, explosively, as the intense cold of a piece of ice melted against her throbbing clitoris. The show continued, with the figure in black using various implements from the stand, and his own cock, expertly. Susan started to plead, incoherently, but each plea ended in a cry of ecstasy as she came once again, to her total humiliation. During one of her orgasms Susan realized there would be no escape. He would continue fucking her as long as she was willing to provide a sensation for the crowd. The drugs she had been given would keep her conscious and responsive. If he tired, there would be another to take his place. She experimentally pulled on the noose. Susan felt it tighten, cutting off her air. She released it and tightened it again. She held it longer this time, until her lungs began to ache. There was something euphoric about dying this way, she thought. It didn't feel like being strangled, for there was no pain. She got enough sporadic bites of air to keep her conscious as she slipped into the final unconsciousness. The transition was not brutally abrupt. She became aware of the audience again and their ecstatic reactions whenever the figure in black forced her to another orgasm. She realized, finally, that there would be no end to this unless she chose it. Finally Susan surrendered to the inevitable and pulled hard on the cord. She felt the slip knot pop over the bulge and when she released the noose, it did not slip loosen that time. She still felt the thrills shoot up from her cunt into her belly during her final orgasm. She sank, sank, sank into oblivion. As her body shuddered and writhed about during her death throes, the executioner entered her again and fucked her in earnest, ensuring that he too had another orgasm, and that she was really dead. After about twenty minutes, during which time selected spectators were invited to come down and inspect the body, Susan's limp form was removed and the arena was prepared for the next execution.